Here are the actions and the domain. Please read through them. I will not overly hold your hand, so if you miss any opportunities or bonuses because you have not listed them, that’s on you.
Regents of the following classes get an extra such action once per turn/season (3 months) as a Court action (if more then one class, the one with the most levels, if the same amount, the one you leveled up first between them):
The following gets the following abilities/free actions (same restriction as above):
Adventure | Character | Varies | This PBEM game will concentrate more on the strategic and political interaction between regents. However, there may be times when you feel the need to undertake some personal mission. This action covers such events. To perform this action, you must specify what you are trying to achieve, and add a detailed plan of how you are going to go about it. |
Agitate | Domain, Realm |
1 GB, 1 RP |
A regent can use her influence to agitate a province's attitude for or against a person, domain, or idea. A regent can agitate a province's attitude in favor of herself or her allies. Similarly, a regent can agitate a province's attitude disfavorably against their enemies. Agitate can be a powerful weapon. Agitation can be supported or opposed by any law and temple holdings in the province as well as the province owner.Realm action: Agitate normally only affects the attitude of one province. It may also be used as a realm-wide action. If a domain takes Agitate as its standard action, it may use additional court actions to support the Agitate. For each court action used, an additional province may be affected. The holding type used for the Agitate must be the same in all targeted provinces. All costs and success checks are calculated individually for each province affected. Example of DCs |
Build | Court | Varies | This is a catch-all action that can be used to initiate various normal construction projects. Most projects are built at the rate of 1d3 GB per month, though if you are short on money you can suspend any projects until further notice. You may rush a project to 2d3 GB per month, but the cost rises by 20%. Remember also that building in provinces of level 3 or less increases the build cost, as described in the Rulebook. Examples of things you may build is a palace, hall, bridge, road, lighthouse etc. |
Contest | Domain, Realm |
1 GB, 1 RP |
One successful contest will make the target holding contested and unable to produce any RP or GB. A second successful contest will reduce the contested holding by 1d4 levels. Only contesting a zero-level holding will totally eliminate it (in fact this is the only way to eliminate zero-level holdings). A zero-level holding thus counts as a level on its own. Contests can be supported or opposed by holdings of the same type as the target holding, and by the province ruler. The same regent can support or oppose with more than one holding. |
Create Holding | Domain | 1 GB | Creates a holding (0). This action can be supported or opposed by province rulers and by any holdings of the same type already in the province (the same regent can use all his available holdings for this). Only true wizards can create source holdings. |
Create Province | Domain | Varies | Creates a new province in available territory. Costs 1 GB if bordering the regent's domain directly, if in the same general area 3 GB, or if in another area 5 GB+. Some lands may be untamed and may require some military units to bring order. For a list of supposed available territories, see the Holdings page. |
Declare War | Domain | None | Declaring war is exactly the way that the rulebook explains. By doing so, your domain gets 4 Warmoves worth of the ability to move into other peoples provinces. When a regent declares war, he/she needs to send along to the GM a plan for the war moves, at the very least. Also, the intent to declare war on someone is supposed to be filed with the White Hall a week beforehand to give the Imperial Heralds time to be present when troops cross borders to forsee that the old Imperial traditions and Laws are upheld. A war on your own provinces is called "declaring Martial Law". |
Decree | Court | 1 GB | This action is a catch-all for all the special things a regent wants his subordinates to undertake, to pass laws, make official announcements, etc. This will not have any big effect, but can have minor effects, solve a random event, or bring in a bit more money. It cannot affect another regent's domain in any way except indirectly (e.g. by setting a tax on trade). |
Diplomacy | Domain, Court |
1 GB | For the purposes of this game, rutine diplomacy is a free action.
Regents may email each other as freely as they choose. The only thing that is
required is that all inter-regent emails are CCed to the GM, as well as summaries of
MSN/ICQ/AIM/Gmail conversations. If that is not done, dire consequences can be expected :) If anything beyond talk is to be done, and some agreement signed, an action need to be spent by all sides involved. Examples of diplomatic agreements needing an action:
As noted under Embassies, where such a one is had, its a Court instead of a Domain action to do Diplomacy. |
Disband | Free | None | This action disbands military units, holdings or assets. Disbanding standard mercenary units will require a success roll, with failure indicating that the mercenaries become bandits. Special mercenary companies won't (usually) become bandits when dismissed, as long as you pay them their fee. This action can also disband holdings, castles, and ships. Castles have a "scrap value" equal to 10% of their normal cost, which will be received upon disbanding. Ships have a scrap value of 30%-80% of their normal cost (rolled randomly). |
Espionage | Domain | 1 GB | This action covers various subterfuge activities. The
success number will be determined by the GM, roughly following the
guidelines in the BR rulebook; the player will not be told the final success
number, however, so that if he receives no information, he won't know
whether he failed or there was nothing to discover. Espionage is made more
difficult the farther the target province is from one of your holdings.
Espionage can also be performed to find out the person responsible for any
Espionage done to you. This action can be supported by the spying regent's guild holding in the target province. Law holdings can support or oppose the espionage there. Ranger "Free" Espionage: This is a variation of espionage that can be used only by rangers as a special action once per turn (although ranger regents and lieutenants can also use it as a domain action, of course). This variation can only be used to locate and catalogue enemy troops. The only other rule-related difference is that the ranger substitutes "province level" for "magic level" for the improvement in success number and rangers get a -3 bonus to their success number. For example, if a ranger regent wanted to spy on the Gorgon's troops in Abbatoir (3/6), his success number is 20 (base) + 3 (Gorgon's law holding) - 0 (ranger's guild holdings) - 6 (source level) - 3 (Ranger bonus) = 14+. Now either of the regents could spend RP to affect that number. Examples of various types of Espionage actions |
Exploratory Trade | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Finances | Court | The regent can transfer GB from/to his personal finance account, (1GB = 2,000 GP). | |
Forge Ley Line | Domain | 1 GB, 1 RP |
Wizards can create ley lines with this action. Ley lines must start from a source, but can end in a province in which the wizard holds no sources (this is an official rule from Book of Magecraft, p. 25). However, ley lines attached to only one source last for only a turn, dissipating afterwards, unless the wizard creates a source on the other end before the ley line disappears. All rules for ley lines, hook-ups, and extensions from Book of Magecraft are used. When forging a ley line, try to describe its course as well as you can (remember that curved ley lines cost extra). |
Fortify | Domain, Realm |
A castle can be constructed by province rulers only; it fortifies all their holdings in the province. A fortification can be built by anyone and fortifies only one non-law holding. Building proceeds at 1d6 GB/turn. Castles cost 8 GB per level, and fortifications 4 GB per level. A regent may opt to pay 10 and 5 GB per level respectively, to have the work progress at 2d6 GB/turn. A province ruler can prevent building of fortifications in any province he rules. | |
Grant | Court, Free |
Varies | This action is used to grant something (either tangible or intangible) to another person. Examples include the granting of gold, noble titles, etc (but not regency points - these must be invested instead). Excessively large grants for no good reason may result in the regent being seen by his vassals and lieutenants as frivolous and incompetent. Also if a regent grants only a small percentage of his treasury, this will have less effect than if he grants a major part of it. Tribute established via a diplomatic agreement or vassalage is not a grant and does not cause such consequences. |
Hire Adventurers | Court & Character |
Varies | A character may hire adventurers to undertake a specified mission. Adventurers often times manage to accomplish the most impossible of tasks, yet they have been known to fail. The Character needs to email the GM and let him know of his intentions to hire a party of adventurers and the GM will get with the player to work something out. This action not only takes a Court action but the regents Character action also. Adventurers are often arrogant and do not want to deal with "hirelings". |
Hold Action | Domain | None | A regent may opt to wait until the end of the round before performing an action. In that case, he holds his action and performs it only after all other regents have made theirs. |
(Ceremoney of) Investure | Domain, Realm |
All rules for investiture in Book of Priestcraft
(coronation, designation, recognition, vassalage, divestiture, bloodline
transfer) are used. In most of the types only one of the two regents involved needs to spend an
action for investiture to occur. Investiture requires a blooded priest with
access to a temple (1) in the province (or one bordering to it) for the
province/holding to be affected; this is a free action for the priest if he is not
partaking as the giver or reciver in any way. Investing
guilds and sources does not require a priest (but the action still need to
be taken). The various types of
investiture are discussed below:
Several ceremonies between the same two regents can be combined into a single action. Battlefield investiture described in Book of Priestcraft is also in use. |
Ley Line | Domain | 1 GB, 1 RP |
Forges a permanent Ley Line between two sources, or a temporary one between a source and somewhere else. The Base Cost is when two provinces are bordering each other. For each extra province inbetween another 1 GB and 1 RP cost is added. Hook-ups (from Book of Magecraft) is used. |
(Ceremony of) Lieutenancy | Domain | Varies |
Make someone into a domain's lieutenant, thus granting them the authorization to speak with the voice of the regent, even to the extent of waging war against a foreign nation, spending significant portions of the realms treasury, dispensing justice, making binding agreements, and other activities that are generally considered the prerogative of the regent alone. Thus a lieutenant can perform most domain actions with the same advantages that a regent receives when personally attending to domain actions and events. |
Move Troops | Court, Free | Var | A regent can get their troops to move about. As per book. Free if only within own provinces, and only on land. |
Move Troops by Sea | Court | Var | A regent can put troops on a boat, and get it to sail, and move troops about by water. As per Cities of the Sun. |
Move Ships | Court | Var | A regent can get ships to move about (This is usually just covered under Move Troops). |
Muster Armies | Court | Var | Regents are only allowed to muster an equal
number of units from a province as that province level. Troops raised by
guilds count toward this limit. Mercenaries and ships do not count
toward this limit. List of Units. List of Ships. More about Muster rules. |
Ply Trade | N/A | N/A | Not Available for most regents (superfluous). |
Province Migration | Domain | 1 GB | Move up to 1d6 growth points from one province to another. Additional 1d4 points can be moved with each use of a Court action in the same month. |
Raid Province | Domain | 1 GB | A character can send a small number of troops to raid a bordering province to raid either tax money, or specific items easily availiable if they are unsufficiently guarded. |
Research | Character | Var | Priests and Wizards can research new spells, or create a magical item. Any character at all might do research into any one subject. |
Realm Spells | Domain | Var |
Priest or wizard regent casts a realm spell. Realm spells are a special type of magic that are available only to a regent spellcaster. Wizard, cleric or druid regents may cast realm spells. Realm spells can be used only in provinces in which the regent has an appropriate holding level and with the costs and effects presented here: Wizards Realm Spells and Battlespells Priests Realm Spells and Battlespells |
Rule Holding | Domain, Realm |
1 GB, var RP |
Increases the level of one holding (or more if used as a realm action). The RP cost is equal to the target holding level; however, ruling a holding to level 1 does not require any RPs. The success number is worsened by the target level of the holding. The province ruler and any regents with the same type of holdings can support or oppose the action, though the holding being ruled cannot support itself. |
Rule Province | Domain | 1 GB | Add +1 to the provinces growth. Is added immidiatly if successful. No limitation to how often can be done. DC 10 (RP can be used). Can add additional Gold to increase points added. Each extra point adds one to the DC. |
Sidhelien Investure | Domain | None | Since elves do not have priests, it would normally be very difficult to perform an investure action. However, elves may perform investure with the rules from the Book of Priestcraft. |
Trade Route | Domain, Realm |
1 GB, 1 RP |
Trade routes can be created between realms. To create a trade route, you must have a guild holding in both ends, or make a deal with another guild on the other end. Furthermore both provinces must be different terrain, or have a different race inhabiting each end. Number of TRs a guild can support in total is 1 for level 1-3, 2 for level 4-6, 3 for level 7-9 and 4 for a level 10 holding. This part of needing a larger operation to sell/buy/store larger trade route operations. |
Training | Character | 1 GB | Training for level advancement will gain you some XP, but not as much as other domain actions, and fighting in battles. Used to gain the next level when enough experienced is reached. Might also be used to try to train an additional hitpoint. If this action is used, then a reroll of the character's hit points is made. If their randomly rolled hit points exceed the character's current hit points then the character permanently gains +1 hit points. |
Train Unit | Domain & Character |
1 GB | Fighter Regents can by spending their time and energy
training units. The Regent gives their unit 1 xp if he succeed in the needed
Lead check. Regency Points can be used on a 1 to 1 basis to improve this
roll. The unit needs to be garrisoned the entire month the training happens. Note: In addition all landed realms, and all temple faiths with a standing army, can have a "noteable unit". This unit can gain experience through battles, and thus also be improved that way. |
NOTE: A roll of 1 is an automatic failure. A roll of 20 is an automatic success.
The courts are centers of power, settings in which the regent can engage in
the business of the realm. Each domain turn, the regent decides how large and
elaborate his court will be. Courts affect the use of several actions, including
diplomacy, disband, decree, and grant. An impressive (and expensive) court will
give a bonus to such actions, while a sloppy, unruly court will do the opposite.
Courts are always located in a specific province, although you are free to move
your court about (many rulers maintain summer courts in provinces with cool
weather) using the Travel action.
Every regent gets a number of court actions equal to their court expenditure each turn, with a minimum of 1 (even of court 0GB or 0,5GB). You can use the regents character actions as court actions if you wish. ^1. In addition, state approved organizations/wizard (aka State Guild/Temple/Court Wizard), may use the State court as their own, if approved by the State. This means that the State might give from its court actions to the Organization/Wizard if they so wish.
^1: Only things that are basic Court actions can be done by these. Not Domain Actions that have been reduced to Court Action. Thus the Regents Character Action can basically then be: Decree, Finances, Grants, Move Troops/Ships (if he follow/leads them personally), Muster Troops (in one province where he is personally).
Court Level | Description | Success Modifier | Decree Cost |
0 GB | No court at all. Diplomacy and decree actions are impossible. | -4 | Impossible |
1 GB | Court maintained at a minimal level. Facilities equal to a common inn, a few servants, no specialized retainers such as musicians, tutors, or falconers, no events such as feasts or balls. | -4 | 3 GB |
2 GB | Court maintained at a minimal level. Facilities equal to a common inn, several servants, still no specialized retainers, nor any events. | -3 | 3 GB |
3 GB | Barely acceptable court, with 'quaint' facilities, and a scattering of retainers. No affairs of state. | -2 | 2 GB |
4 GB | Barely acceptable court, with 'quaint' facilities, and a couple of retainers. Affairs of state are rare. | -2 | 2 GB |
5 GB | Almost acceptable court, with 'quaint' facilities, and a few retainers. Occasional affairs of state. | -1 | 2 GB |
6 GB | An average court with good facilities, plentiful servants and retainers, and regular galas and festivities. | +0 | 1 GB |
7 GB | An above average court with good facilities, plentiful servants and retainers, and regular galas and festivities. | +0 | 1 GB |
8 GB | A good court with fine facilities, abundant numbers of servants and retainers, and regular galas and festivities, and more. | +1 | 1 GB |
9 GB | An opulent center of power - the envy of nearby kingdoms. Art, literature, and sports are celebrated. Guests are waited on hand and foot. Every day brings a festive event of some kind. | +2 | 1 GB |
10 GB | An over opulent center of power - the envy of all kingdoms. Art, literature, and sports are constantly celebrated. Guests are waited on hand and foot, and head and neck. Every hour brings a festive event of some kind. | +3 | 0 GB |
Embassies are a special type of court that a regent maintains in a foreign
realm. Usually activated for only a season or two each year, they enable a
regent to conduct diplomatic actions more effectively with other regents who
happen to have a court or embassy in the same province.
Embassies are always located in a specific province. An embassy have the special ability to conduct an extra diplomacy action on you behalf, but only with regents who have either a court or an embassy of their own in that province.
Once built, an embassy can be activated on any turn by spending 1GB to initiate a diplomacy action as per the normal rules for the diplomacy domain action. The action uses the same court modifier as the parent court. This means that high-quality courts have more in return for using embassies.
Note that embassies, like other structures, have a maintenance cost (1 GB/turn).
Realm Actions:
You need to spend a Court Action for any additional provinces to affect
in "Realm Actions"
LTs give a bonus Domain Action once per
Turn. No extra RP can be spend on this action. LTs can also be used to
administrate things, be responcible for a normal Domain Action, or support
an action. A single LT cannot both do their free Domain Action, and be
responsible for a Domain Action in the same month.
Many LTs take one action (month) off per Turn (season) to handle their own
Can support an action in a province if there is no regent or LT about to
do so, but otherwise of no use domainwise.
These are usually only willng to give one character action per Turn to
the regent, and that one usually being to do their appointed task, or to
spend researching things to give better advise in later months and so on.
Any regent, lieutenant, or henchman (followers/hirelings and advisers can also be used, but suffer a -2/-4 penalty respectively to their check) with ranks in the administration skill can spend one Administration Character action each turn to use it to try to reduce various domain-related costs. There are a total of six administrative positions available for each domain; a single character can cover multiple positions, but must use one action for each position. The administrative posts (with their title in parenthesis), with their DCs are:
The first 5 must be done in one of the 3 actions in a turn. The effect if successful will be applied to the next upcoming taxation phace. The last one, action costs, would need to be applied to every one action, as they are done.
Administrators: The position of administrator is an important and prestigious one. Before a character can act as an administrator, you must use the Decree: Grant court action to give him the position. If you don’t do this, he lack the formal authority required, and his administration check automatically fails.
Aides: It is possible to grant the position to a second character, in which case the later one becomes the aide of the elder, giving a potential +2 cooperation bonus to the administration check (but if either character is a follower/hireling or adviser, the penalty for that is applied once).
The Skill Check: Administration is a skill check made by an individual character, not a domain action check. The court modifier is added as a bonus or penalty to the check. See the administration skill description for details.
Skills and domain bonuses
When a character supports a domain action in a province, relevant skills
may give bonus to the domain action. +1 for every 6 ranks in the relevant
skill. Under some circumstances the ratio might be better.
Action / Skill that might give bonus
Agitate / Lead
Ceremony / Administrate
Contest Holding / Administrate
Contest Trade Route / Diplomacy
Create Holding / Administrate
Create Trade Route / Diplomacy
Diplomacy / Diplomacy
Espionage / Gather Information
Rule Holding or Province / Administrate